Events Diary

Guided walk at Upper Hollesley Common/Hollesley Marshes (6 spaces)

Wednesday 28th August 10am – 4pm Upper Hollesley Common/Hollesley Marshes
(£25 per person). Meet in Upper Hollesley Common car park in Heath Road, IP12 3HU. From Melton take the B1083; then left onto Heath Road (signed to Hollesley and Sutton Heath); drive through Sutton Heath; the car park is on the left almost opposite Red Lodge.
Please bring a packed lunch. After lunch we’ll drive to nearby Hollesley Marshes RSPB, IP12 3JW.
Species we’ll be hoping to see include: stonechat, Dartford warbler, coal tit, hobby, avocet, marsh harrier, spoonbill, scarcer waders (eg wood sandpiper, little stint, curlew sandpiper) possible; also butterflies (eg grayling, small copper), green tiger beetle; and the heather should be in bloom.
Booking in advance is essential please.