Events Diary

Guided walk at Abberton Reservoir (5 spaces)

Friday 2nd August 10am – 4pm Abberton Reservoir EWT
(£25 per person + site entry donation or bring EWT membership card). Meet at the north (reserve) end of Layer de la Haye Causeway (there’s plenty of parking along the causeway) – B1026 - Church Road/Wigborough Road. We’ll walk round the nature reserve and view from the Causeways and Wigborough Bay. Please bring a packed lunch.
Species we’ll be hoping to see include: common tern, red crested pochard, great white egret, spoonbill, cattle egret, yellow wagtail, returning waders (eg black tailed godwit, ruff, green and wood sandpipers, greenshank, little ringed plover), marsh harrier, hobby, osprey and other rarities (eg black tern) possible.
Booking in advance is essential please.