Events Diary

Guided walk at The Naze (7 spaces)

Thursday 22nd August 10am – 1pm The Naze
(£12 per person). Meet in the pay & display car park near the EWT visitor centre in Old Hall Lane, Walton on the Naze, CO14 8LE. TM264235. Drive through Walton and then follow Hall Lane, Naze Park Road and Old Hall Lane to the end! The car park is on the right. The plan is to take a route that will explore Walton Hall Marshes as well as the scrub area (approx. 3 miles).
Species we’ll be hoping to find include: returning waders (eg greenshank, whimbrel, black tailed godwit, avocet, green sandpiper), sandwich tern, migrant passerines (eg spotted and pied flycatcher, willow warbler, wheatear, whinchat), rarities possible.
Booking in advance is essential please.