Events Diary

Guided walk at Cockaynes Wood (5 spaces)

Tuesday 30th July 10am – 12.30pm Cockaynes Wood EWT
(£12 per person). Access is off Alresford Road, between Wivenhoe and Alresford – park and meet in the lane just north of the railway leading east. TM052216. This reserve is jointly managed by Essex Wildlife Trust and Cockaynes Wood Trust and has a mix of habitats – heath, grassland, woodland and ponds.
Species we’ll be hoping to see include: mistle thrush, treecreeper, coal tit, yellowhammer, great spotted woodpecker, common buzzard, whitethroat, common tern, kingfisher possible; butterflies (eg silver washed fritillary, brown argus); dragonflies (eg migrant hawker, ruddy darter).
Booking in advance is essential please.