Events Diary

Guided Walks


Guided walks last 2.5 hours and finish with refreshments back at the cars. Group size is a maximum of 8 (plus me as leader).

Ladybirders (The Naze)


On the first Monday of the month I lead Ladybirders (a guided birdwatching walk for ladies) for Essex Wildlife Trust at The Naze. For dates, further details and bookings please contact the Centre team on 01255 679379.

Ladybirders (Fingringhoe Wick)


On alternate Wednesdays I lead Ladybirders (a guided birdwatching walk for ladies) for Essex Wildlife Trust at Fingringhoe Wick nature reserve. For dates, further details and bookings please contact the Centre team on 01206 729678.

Guided walk at Cockaynes Wood (5 spaces)


Tuesday 30th July 10am – 12.30pm Cockaynes Wood EWT
(£12 per person). Access is off Alresford Road, between Wivenhoe and Alresford – park and meet in the lane just north of the railway leading east. TM052216. This reserve is jointly managed by Essex Wildlife Trust and Cockaynes Wood Trust and has a mix of habitats – heath, grassland, woodland and ponds.
Species we’ll be hoping to see include: mistle thrush, treecreeper, coal tit, yellowhammer, great spotted woodpecker, common buzzard, whitethroat, common tern, kingfisher possible; butterflies (eg silver washed fritillary, brown argus); dragonflies (eg migrant hawker, ruddy darter).
Booking in advance is essential please.

Guided walk at Abberton Reservoir (5 spaces)


Friday 2nd August 10am – 4pm Abberton Reservoir EWT
(£25 per person + site entry donation or bring EWT membership card). Meet at the north (reserve) end of Layer de la Haye Causeway (there’s plenty of parking along the causeway) – B1026 - Church Road/Wigborough Road. We’ll walk round the nature reserve and view from the Causeways and Wigborough Bay. Please bring a packed lunch.
Species we’ll be hoping to see include: common tern, red crested pochard, great white egret, spoonbill, cattle egret, yellow wagtail, returning waders (eg black tailed godwit, ruff, green and wood sandpipers, greenshank, little ringed plover), marsh harrier, hobby, osprey and other rarities (eg black tern) possible.
Booking in advance is essential please.

Guided walk at Holland Haven (1 space)


Thursday 8th August 10am – 12.30pm Holland Haven Country Park
(£12 per person). Meet in the pay & display car park (at the northern end), just north of Holland on Sea, off the B1032 between Gt Holland and Holland on Sea. Nearest postcode CO15 5UB. TM220175. There are brown tourist signs. The walk will be approximately 2 miles.
Species we’ll be hoping to find include: willow warbler, lesser whitethroat, wheatear, whinchat, common buzzard, spotted and pied flycatchers; green and wood sandpipers, ruff, scarcer species possible; offshore – terns, skuas and gannet possible; also wasp spider.
Booking in advance is essential please.

Guided walk at Old Hall Marshes (4 spaces)


Tuesday 13th August 10am – 1pm Old Hall Marshes RSPB
(£12 per person). Meet in the reserve car park at the far end of Old Hall Lane, Tolleshunt D’Arcy CM9 8TP. TL959122. From the B1026 take Chapel Road/Back Road and turn in to Old Hall Lane, which is quite a narrow lane. Drive to the far end, over the speed bumps round the gardens/cottages, through the metal gates, over the cattle grid and follow signs to the car park (open 9am-5pm Mon-Fri). The walk is approx 3 miles (the short circuit!) over uneven ground, including the seawall. There’s the option to bring a picnic lunch.
Species we’ll be hoping to see include: marsh harrier, hobby, common tern, waders (eg avocet, black tailed godwit, ruff, golden plover, spotted redshank, greenshank, little stint, wood sandpiper (and maybe a rarity or two), bearded tit, cattle egret and spoonbill possible.
Booking in advance is essential please.

Guided walk at The Naze (7 spaces)


Thursday 22nd August 10am – 1pm The Naze
(£12 per person). Meet in the pay & display car park near the EWT visitor centre in Old Hall Lane, Walton on the Naze, CO14 8LE. TM264235. Drive through Walton and then follow Hall Lane, Naze Park Road and Old Hall Lane to the end! The car park is on the right. The plan is to take a route that will explore Walton Hall Marshes as well as the scrub area (approx. 3 miles).
Species we’ll be hoping to find include: returning waders (eg greenshank, whimbrel, black tailed godwit, avocet, green sandpiper), sandwich tern, migrant passerines (eg spotted and pied flycatcher, willow warbler, wheatear, whinchat), rarities possible.
Booking in advance is essential please.

Guided walk at Upper Hollesley Common/Hollesley Marshes (6 spaces)


Wednesday 28th August 10am – 4pm Upper Hollesley Common/Hollesley Marshes
(£25 per person). Meet in Upper Hollesley Common car park in Heath Road, IP12 3HU. From Melton take the B1083; then left onto Heath Road (signed to Hollesley and Sutton Heath); drive through Sutton Heath; the car park is on the left almost opposite Red Lodge.
Please bring a packed lunch. After lunch we’ll drive to nearby Hollesley Marshes RSPB, IP12 3JW.
Species we’ll be hoping to see include: stonechat, Dartford warbler, coal tit, hobby, avocet, marsh harrier, spoonbill, scarcer waders (eg wood sandpiper, little stint, curlew sandpiper) possible; also butterflies (eg grayling, small copper), green tiger beetle; and the heather should be in bloom.
Booking in advance is essential please.

Wildlife boat trip (1 space)


Saturday 31st August 10.15am wildlife boat trip
(£18 per person). We’ll be joining Tony Haggis for a 2 hour boat trip around the beautiful Walton Backwaters. Meet in the car park at Titchmarsh Marina in Walton on the Naze CO14 8SL at 10.15am (for 10.30am boat trip). From Kirby Road (B1024) turn into Coles Lane (signed for Titchmarsh Marina and Harbour Lights restaurant) and drive to the boatyard car park at the far end (it’s a long narrow lane with speed bumps!). Maximum 11 places (plus me!) so please book early to avoid disappointment. Please bring weatherproof clothing!
Species we’ll be hoping to see include: waders (eg avocet, oystercatcher, godwits), marsh harrier, Mediterranean gull, terns; common seal. Scarcer species such as osprey possible.
Booking in advance is essential please.